Fun Rainy Day Activities for Kids
There is nothing worse than the constant “I’m bored” coming from the kids and yes boredom is great but if your a mum you know on a wet day there is a point in the day where you break so I’ve put together a list of our favourite Rainy Day Activities that you can dip into any time to find the perfect ideas for a Rainy Day.

Got toddlers – then check out of our list of toddler activities for when you are stuck at home with them for more ideas that are best to do with them!
Play out in the Rain
Splish splash and jump. There is nothing better than jumping in the puddles. Dress up in your water proofs and head outdoors for these fun outdoor rainy day activities that the kids will love. Then return inside scroll down the list and find some other activitie sto do whilst the rain continues.

- Make a rain catcher to measure how much it rains
- Make Mud Soup from Kids Activity Blog
- Hunt for worms and then make a home for them
- Paint using Rain Drops from Sun Hats and Wellie Boots
- Go Sing in the Rain from Mama Pea Pod
- Splattter Painting Collage from Little Page Turners
- Moon Sand Paint Bombing from Miss Courtney Meets Bobo
- Walnut Boats and go and float them from Red Ted Art
- Puddle splash, jump and even swim from Rory’s Little Legs

Have some fun with Playdough, Salt Dough, Cloud Dough and More…

- Play dough Pizza Parlour from Nurture Store
- Sand play dough from Creative Playhouse
- Snow Cloud Dough fun
- Pinkalicious Pink Cloud Dough Cup Cakes from The Imagination Tree
- Bakery Role Play with Wholegrain Play Dough from The Imagination Tree
- Summer Scents Lemon and Lime Play Dough from Creative Connections for Kids
- Play Dough Cake Shop from Create with your hands
- Bringing books alive with playdough fun from JDaniel 4’s Mom
- Homemade Silly Putty from Learn Play Imagine
- Make fossils in Salt Dough
Get musical
- Dancing Bells
- Homemade bottle shaker
- Kitchen Band from Mummy Musing and Mayhem
- DIY Rain Stick from The Imagination Tree
- Homemade Guitar from MiniEco
Arts and Crafts Activities
- Homemade Cards from Here Come the Girls
- Crepe Paper Painting from Mummy Musing and Mayhem
- Make a beautiful butterfly stained glass craft
- Papier Mache Bowls from Taming the Goblin
- Cardboard Box Boats from Nurturestore
- No Mess Arty Fun from Mama Smiles
- Finger Painting Letter Fun from Momma’s Fun World
- Giant Rainbow Collage from The Imagination Tree
- Gift Box Making from Multiple Mummy
- Weather crafts (40+) to bring sunshine to the rainy day or even snow from Red Ted Art
- Painting with Hot Wheels from Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
- Buy some window crayons and use them from Frogs Snails and Puppy Dog Tails
- Paper Plate Animals – ladybird, Lion and Fish
- No Mess Bright Canvas
Indoor Fun and Games
- Rainforest Den
- Homemade Den from Mummy Mummy Mum!
- Bring memories of winter alive with some snow ball sock fun from The Golden Gleam
- Have an outing at home from The Good Long Road
- Indoor Shape Hunt from Creative Family Fun
- Fine motor skills inspired by Montessori from Smiling Like Sunshine
- Sensory Wall Mosiac Art from Mama Smiles
- Building with Plate, Cups and Bowls from Learn with Play at Home
- DIY Toddler Tubes Fun from Teach Preschool
- Tape Shapes from Teach Preschool
- Letter Sounds Scavenger Hunt from Crayon Freckles
- Get the board games out
- Hide and Seek from Life at the Zoo
- Have a pretend spa day – especially for Mom’s from Words Play House
- Letter and Number fun with a homemade Box Monster from The Iowa Farmer’s Wife
- Sorting Letters from Playdough to Plato
- Ocean Life Small World Play
- Frozen Lake Small World Play – cool down if it’s hot and raining
Some messy and water-based Rainy Day Activities
- Shaving Foam Mountains
- Shaving foam artwork
- Waterbead Fun from Learn Play Imagine
- Glowing Dive Bath from Growing a Jeweled Rose
- Creative Art Station in the Bath from Growing a Jeweled Rose
Make some discoveries with Science Fun
- Make bottle rockets
- Make Ice-Cream in a Bag
- Post It Treasure Hunt from Mummy Mummy Mum
- How to make a tornado from Reading Confetti
- Water bead Science Experiment
- Jello Science from Science Sparks
- Creating Rainbow Bubbles from Science Sparks
- Volcanoes in the kitchen from Creekside Learning
Cooking and Kitchen Fun for Rainy Day’s
- Wheels on the Bus
- Patriotic Cupcakes
- Dinosaur Chocolate Chip Cookies
- Make a Sandwich
- Simple Cupcakes
- Make your own homemade paints
- Rice Krispie Cakes from Multiple Mummies
Get Moving and Dancing FREE Rainy Day Activities for Kids
- Move like a
- Animal Boogie
- Sing Nursery Rhymes
- Sing Counting Rhymes
- Sing and Dance to some children’s songs
- Getting little bodies moving from Childhood 101
- Making Body Shapes from Childhood 101
- Colour and Movement Game from Learn Play Imagine
Check out our other Ideas for Rainy Day’s if you REALLY NEED more Inspiration
EVEN more Rainy Day Ideas for Kids especially for summer
Sit down together for Movie Time and watch one of these classic movies for kids on Netflix for Rainy Days

I love this list of rainy day activities! The idea of making a rain catcher so that you can measure the rain is fab! Our go to activities are arts and crafts and cooking. It can be a challenge to think of things when it’s raining and the kids are complaining that they’re bored. I worry about the impact that too much screen time has on kids, so we have a boredom jar that they can pick an idea from. I wrote a blog post about it that you might like
Wow! Amazing idea! Really nice thought to keep kids busy in rainy day. Thanks for sharing such a lovely rainy day activities for kids in rainy day. I am trying to follow this for my kids fun. They must love it.