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Penguin Place Value Number Game

Place value is a key concept within the mathematics curriculum and follows children throughout their mathematical journey. It is important that children understand the meaning of a number ie that the 5 in 523 represents 500. Without this understanding, children will struggle when adding or subtracting multi-digit numbers. An important application of place value comes from comparing numbers. This simple Penguin Place Value Number Game helps children order three digit numbers, compare them and look for patterns.

Mr Penguin Ice Cub Tray used in a maths centre for kids to learn place value and order 3 digit numbers.

Resources needed for the Penguin Place Value Number Game

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  • Three dice
  • A container to hold three dice – we have used a Mr. Penguin ice cube tray (UK Amazon and US Amazon)
  • Paper, pencil and scissors
  • Magnetic numbers and post it notes (optional) or use our DIY Wood Slice Numbers.
Simple to make Penguin themed Place Value Number Game for Primary Kids that works on comparing and ordering 3 digit numbers.

How to set up this simple Place Value Number Game

Snip, Mr Penguin Ice Cub tray used in a math game to work on place value and ordering numbers.

Take the lid off of the Mr. Penguin Ice Cube Tray. Place three dice above each other in the tray and secure the lid shut. You can easily play the game by simply rolling the three dice. However, the Mr. Penguin Ice Cube Tray contains the dice and stops them from rolling off of the table, therefore, limiting any distractions.

Read Next – Penguin Number Names Activity

How to play Compare and Order Numbers with Dice

1. Shake the Mr. Penguin Ice Cube Tray to move the dice around in their individual compartments.

2. Place the Ice Cube Tray on the table and record the digits rolled ie 3 4 6

Mr Penguin ice cube tray used in a math centre for some polar themed learning working on 3 digit numbers and place value.

3. Write down the different 3 digit numbers you can make with these digits. Write them as a list. We used magnetic numbers to help. This meant my son could easily move the digits around before writing them.

Using magnetic numbers to produce 3 digit numbers in different combinations.

4. Shake the Mr. Penguin Ice Cube Tray again. Record those numbers ie 5 6 3

Penguin ice cube tray used for themed learning in a math centre to work on place value and three digit numbers.

5.List all the possible 3 digit numbers again. This time we used post it notes to help move the numbers around.

6. Repeat this process three more times so that you have a total of five lists.

7. Look at each list and put the numbers into order with the smallest number first. Instead of getting my son to write out the numbers again I used scissors to cut out each 3 digit number. He then moved the pieces of paper around until he had ordered each of the five lists. We started with ordering the hundreds place first, then the tens place and then the units place.

Three digit numbers produced by dice ordered from smaller to largest on pieces of paper.

More Penguin Themed Activities

Questions to solve with the Compare and Order Numbers with Dice activity

Now you have ordered the numbers it is time to compare the numbers and discuss any patterns that arise. Ask your child the following questions:

  • Do you always get the same amount of numbers in each list?
  • When might you get fewer?
  • What patterns do you notice?

If all three dice are different numbers then there are six possible 3 digit numbers. If two dice are the same and one is different then there are three possible 3 digit numbers. If all three dice are the same then there is only one possible 3 digit number.

You may wish to repeat the activity again but this time writing down 2 digit numbers. Spoiler – you still only get six sets of numbers if the dice rolled are all different.

More Place Value Activities for Kids

Emma Edwards

During a difficult pregnancy suffering from Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) Emma vowed to make every day an adventure once she had recovered. Adventures of Adam is the outcome of completing a 100 day play challenge with Adam as part of that promise. Emma has a section dedicated to HG friendly play activities so that Mums can still be part of their children’s play whilst they are ill.

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