Home > Preschool Ideas > Let’s Go Fly a Kite

Let’s Go Fly a Kite

Let’s go fly a kite, up to the highest height and send it soaring….

Summer is looking to be on its way and from the back of the garage where it spends the winter our kite has been put back in the car. It may seem a strange thing to carry in the car but we’ve headed to the beach many times and arrived over the summer months and thought instantly – I wish we had brought a kite. The warm winds and the updrafts off the sea make the beach a perfect place for kite flying.

Have fun this year as you go outside and sing along to Mary Poppins with "Let's Go fly a Kite" and send your own soaring up into the air.
Little cute girl flying a kite in a meadow on a sunny day via ShutterStock


Kite flying with kids

Kids don’t need much to fly a kite – my kids made one with Save The Children last year that was similar to the ones that children make frequently in the Philippines – a folded cardboard shape with holes punched and string tied.

Of course, the simplest kite you can make and use anywhere is the plastic bag on a string and with just a little wind it will easily float behind the kids as they run around the beach or the field.

Have fun this year as you go outside and sing along to Mary Poppins with "Let's Go fly a Kite" and send your own soaring up into the air.


A few years ago my husband mentioned that he had never flown a kite! – queue shock horror faces from me and my parents and my kids who at the time were just 1 and 2 looking at us with confused faces – that was quickly sorted out and my parents brought him a kite for his birthday. The kite was ideal for us as a family – it’s more complex than the traditional kids kite but we can actually fly it with the kids, and between us girls (me and T) and the boys (husband and J) we see who can keep the kite up the longest.

DIY Kites you can make with the kids

It’s been on my list to make a kite for a while but as yet we haven’t maybe next year! Here are three kites you can make with the kids that really fly.

How to make a Newspaper Kite from Buggy and Buddy

How to make a Tyvek Sledge Kite from Babble Dabble Do

How to make a really simple kite – with video guide by Inner Child Fun

A to Z of outdoor activities for kids

A to Z of outdoor activities for kids

Summer is the perfect time to get outside with the kids and have fun – to give you inspiration Crafty Kids at Home has put together a list over this month of fun activities to get kids outdoors and away from screens. Check out the A to Z of outdoor activities for kids.

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Have fun this year as you go outside and sing along to Mary Poppins with "Let's Go fly a Kite" and send your own soaring up into the air.

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Have fun this year as you go outside and sing along to Mary Poppins with "Let's Go fly a Kite" and send your own soaring up into the air.

One Comment

  1. My kids are 4,6 and 8 and I don;t think we have ever flown a kite with them. This has to change this summer. Thanks for inspiring us on our A-Z of Outdoor Activities Blog Hop.

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