Home > Maths Games and Activities for Kids > Snowman Math – Count and Peg

Snowman Math – Count and Peg

It’s another week of #playfulpreschool and this week’s theme is Snowmen – a favourite Winter theme for preschoolers. Each week the playful preschool bloggers are sharing learning, creating and skill-building activities based around a popular theme. Our Snowman-based activity this week is Snowman Math – Count and Peg.

If you want to discover more then check out #playfulpreschool on social media and find out what we are up to, including some occasionally sneaky peeks at next week’s activities.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

This week we are working on maths and fine motor skills, combining the two in an adult-led activity that’s fun to set up together and is cute as well. One-to-one correspondence is a step further on than counting by rote.  Your child may be able to count out loud from 1 to 10 or 20, but are they relating those numbers to counting or just saying them from memory.  Activities that match objects or that have them counting out are a great for teaching them that the number words they know have significance, and move onwards to further maths skills.

Materials needed for Snowman Math – Count and Peg

Snowflake Punch
White or Silver Mirror Card
Blue or Black Card

Wooden Clothes Pegs
White, Black, Orange and another colour Card

Learning Objectives

  • Work on 1 to 1 correspondence counting
  • Fine Motor Skills

Read this next – Hands-on Counting Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers


I involved T in the preparation as she loves drawing, cutting and sticking however, you could prepare this in advance and just do the activity with your child.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

First punch out the snowflakes.  We are working on numbers 1 to 10 so we punched out 55 snowflakes.

With the snowflakes punched, T then stuck them onto the blue (or black) card with the first card having 1 snowflake on, 2nd card 2, 3rd card 3 etc…

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

To make the Snowman Pegs, I used 10 pegs. In the UK our snowmen are made out of 2 body parts so I used my cookie cutters and different sized circles. Onto white card I traced around the different sized circles (if you have 2 different sized circle punches these would be excellent to use instead).

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.


Once drawn T started to cut them out and then got bored so I ended up cutting them out. With them cut,  stick the two body pieces together.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

Now the snowmen needed hats – good top hats were decided upon by T so we drew and cut these out of black card.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.


She then added orange noses which I cut out and a purple scarf for around the neck.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

With the accessories added to the snowmen we glued them to the clothes pegs.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

Snowman Count and Peg

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

Start off with counting the number of snowflakes on each card – I had helped T to arrange the snowflakes into a the pattern similar to dots on a dice (this helps to build on number pattern recognition) so I asked to first how many dots, and then asked her to count the dots to verify the number she thought.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

Once we had the number of snowflakes, we counted out the number of snowmen, and then I showed her how to open and close the pegs.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

She then matched the number of snowflakes to the number of snowmen.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

Then moved onto another card matching the snowmen to the number of the snowflakes on the card.

Snowmen Count and Peg Math Activity for Preschoolers.

Other great Snowmen Learning Activities

If you’ve liked our Snowman Math – Count and Peg Activity, check out these other fabulous ideas from the #playfulpreschool team on the theme of Snowmen.

Snowman Activities for Preschoolers

Snowman Literacy Activities for Preschool:

Snowman Vocabulary Activities for Preschool by The Educators’ Spin On It

Snowman Math Activities for Preschool:

Snowman Peg and Count by Rainy Day Mum

Snowman Sensory and Creative Exploration Activities for Preschool:

Melted Snowman Painting by Learning 2 Walk
Build a Snowman Indoors by Mom Inspired Life
Baked Cotton Ball Snowman Craft by Still Playing School
Build a Snowman Creativity Prompt by Raising Lifelong Learners

Snowman Snack Ideas:

Do you wanna Build a Snowman,Treat! by Tiny Tots Adventures

Snowman Snack Ideas by Fun-A-Day

Snowman learning and creative ideas for preschoolers


  1. I absolutely love this sweet activity and know my kids will adore it. 🙂 Thanks for the great idea.

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