Contact Paper Butterfly Craft for Babies and Young Toddlers
In May I wrote about the Small Hands Creating Hope project and we’re back. You see not only did J create his stained glass window butterflies for the project. But T also made her first craft for the project. At 13 months old T joined in with her first crafty activity to bring hope and help to raise money for cancer research.
I feel really proud that T’s first craft project is part of a book that is helping to raise money for cancer research. As I mentioned in my last post a friend that was pregnant at the same time as I was with J that I met through a parenting forum found out that her little girl had a brain tumour at 8 months old so it was more poignant to me, part of the aim of the project is to create projects that children who are in hospital with cancer can create as well as for children to create for people that they know who are suffering. As Amber was in hospital at around the same age it made me and still makes me realise that it’s not just toddlers and children in hospital but babies and at a time where they can start to explore creative arts.
Using some contact paper (sticky back plastic) T was able to work to create a collage using bits of cut up paper. I then helped out and we created her a butterfly from the contact paper art work.
Simply BEAUTIFUL piece of artwork! And the book looks wonderful. MaryAnne did such an amazing job with the help of all you guys.
Thank you for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!
I love your baby hands butterfly!