Printable Five Little Frogs Paper Puppets Craft
Five Little Speckled Frogs sat on a speckled log!
It’s one of our favourite spring nursery rhymes and great for helping your tots learn to count as well.
As you sing the rhyme why not use these paper puppets to hop off the log along with the song.
So here you go our Printable Five Little Speckled Frogs Paper Puppets Craft to use with your toddler or preschoolers this spring.
Five Little Speckled Frogs
When spring has sprung and you head out on a nature walk with the kids look out for a pond and then see if you can spot some little speckled frogs there.
As you do why not sing along to the nursery rhyme you’ll find the full words below.
Five Little Speckled Frog Words
5 Little Speckled Frogs,
Sat on a little log,
Eating some most delicious grubs,
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool
And now there are 1, 2, 3, 4 green speckled frogs!
4 Little Speckled Frogs,
Sat on a little log,
Eating some most delicious grubs,
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool
And now there are 1, 2, 3 green speckled frogs!
3 Little Speckled Frogs,
Sat on a little log,
Eating some most delicious grubs,
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool
And now there are 1, 2 green speckled frogs!
2 Little Speckled Frogs,
Sat on a little log,
Eating some most delicious grubs,
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool
And now there is 1 green speckled frog!
1 Little Speckled Frog,
Sat on a little log,
Eating some most delicious grubs,
One jumped into the pool,
Where it was nice and cool
And now there are no green speckled frogs!
Would you like a printable set of these words? Then you can find the Five Little Speckled Frogs Printable Words for FREE in the Nursery Rhyme Section of our store along with the template to make these little puppets.
Frog Puppet Craft
When you get home, dig out the puppets that you have made before and use them to sing along.
Then why not add them to some playdough (blue and brown food colouring added to our homemade playdough recipe) and create your own frog pond to play with.
Five Little Speckled Frog Paper Puppets Craft
Equipment Needed
- Scissors
- Printer
Materials Needed
- Frog Printable Paper Puppet Templates
- Coloured Card 2 different greens, white and pink
- Pencil
- Black Marker Pen
- Glue Stick
- Jumbo craft sticks
- Print out the frog paper puppets and cut out the body parts.
- Trace the front, back and head parts onto one of green coloured paper; trace the belly pattern on the other green paper; and the small circles on pink paper.
- Cut out the traced patterns from the coloured paper.
- Attach the 2 pink circles on both sides of the cheek parts of the green head.
- Then attach the 2 eyes to the bumps on the green cutout head.
- Place the front template on top of the green cut out and cut along the yellow lines.
- Glue the belly section of the green body of your frog puppet and then place the belly on top and press in place. You will need to move the legs over it as the belly is slightly larger than the space.
- Glue the front body with belly in place to the middle of the green back.
- Glue the head on the top of the body making sure that you have an overlap so that it stays in place.
- Use the black marker to draw on the mouth and nostrils.
- Glue the paper frog on a jumbo craft stick to finish the puppet (you may find this is better done with some PVA/School Glue instead of a glue stick)
Five Little Speckled Frog activities
If your toddlers and preschooler loved these paper puppets and our playdough pond suggested activity why not try some of the other five little speckled frog activities with them too.
Looking for alternative puppet for the rhyme – then why not check out our Five Little Speckled Frogs Craft Foam Puppets. They are so cute and will last a little longer than these paper ones.