Pine Cone Bumble Bee
With our garden in bloom bees are around and both of my kids seem to be terrified of them – so it was time to create some cute creative bumble bees to persuade them otherwise.
We’ve recently been on some nature walks and started to collect pine cones again and these looked perfect for our bumble bees they were easy to hold and would be perfect to add to our nature area in the home.
Materials needed for pine cone bumble bees
Pine Cones
Yellow/Orange Yarn
Plastic Lid
Gold or Silver Pen that will write on Plastic
White Glue
Googley Eyes
Why not explore one of these bee picture books after making these cute little bumble bees?
How to make pine cone bumble bees
First off make sure that the pine cones are dried out – it’s a good idea to collect them on dry days as well as leave them on a window sill in the sunshine for a couple of days this will ensure that they are fully open and will be perfect for winding the yarn around.
Cut off lengths of yarn – it’s easier for younger children than trying to hold the whole ball and will work better if you are doing with a group of children.
Start by helping the child wrap the end around one of the pine cone scales to secure it. Then wrap the yarn around it in between the so that you fill in the gaps and produce a stripe effect on the pine cone with the yellow or orange yarn.
With the googley eyes stick them on with glue – even if they have sticky backs this will help secure them easier than just the sticky backs.
Cut out two wing shapes from a plastic lid and then draw on them to make it look like wings (this is really just to make it so that you can see them easily once on the bees). Leave to dry for a little so that they don’t smudge.
Add a bit of glue to the bottom of each wing.
Slide the wings in between the of the pine cone scales and leave to dry.
You could add some white cotton and then hang them to fly from a window catch or a curtain pole – we’ve added ours to our season tree for summer.
More Bee Crafts for Preschoolers

Loved this Bee Craft then check out the Awesome Bee Activities for Preschoolers for even more ideas.
Love this one. we have made some pine cone stuff before and I have a dew more lying around. Will work on bees with my daughter.