Our Favourite Books about Me for Toddlers and Preschoolers
One of the first themes we do with our toddlers and preschoolers at home is all about me. Our name, who we are, and how we identify and are ourselves. As we do activities and crafts we love to read about the theme as well so here we have a few of our favourite books for toddlers and preschoolers on the theme of All About Me.

All About Me Books for Toddlers and Preschoolers
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When picking these books, we’ve tried to include a variety of different books that not just show our family but other children as well.
Our featured book is I Like Myself by Karen Beaumont. We really enjoyed this fun and colourful book all about a little girl who likes herself. Something that is important for kids to learn.
- N/A
- Hardcover Book
- Karen Beaumont (Author)
- English (Publication Language)
- 32 Pages – 05/01/2004 (Publication Date) – Clarion Books (Publisher)
You can find it being read below:
What I Like About Me! A Book Celebrating Difference by Allia Zobel Nolan is a fantastic book to read with kids to celebrate them and their friends and how different we all are but still the same.
Marvelous Me: Inside and Out (All about Me) by Lisa Marie Bullard is another great book that celebrates us and our differences from others. From our personality to our appearance.
We really like Your Name is a Song by Jamilah Thompkins-Bigelow as names are us and as someone that has always had people struggle with my name this is a wonderful story to read especially if your child has a different or unusual name but also to help them with friends and others that may be the same.
In The Proudest Blue: A Story of Hijab and Family by Ibtihaj Muhammad wearing a Hijab for the first time is celebrated. For my kids and children that I have taught in small rural communities this is something that they had not seen in person before heading to the towns and cities but reading this together helped them to understand a little more about the difference in children that they may meet.
Another great picture book that celebrates our difference is You Matter! by Christian Robinson helps children to see how others live and helps them see the differences in the world.
Be You! by Peter Reynolds this is a new favourite of mine and one that I wish had been around when my kids were preschoolers. With the message to “Be You!” it’s perfect. Whether it’s asking question, having courage, being adventurous or shy, it’s a message that I have tried to share with my kids all along. You don’t have to be the same as everyone else, enjoy what you want and most of all BE YOU!
All About Me Activities
Make some family and friends portraits with our Collage Portraits for Preschoolers activity.

Build A Name Activity – ideal for helping preschoolers to learn one of their most important words. Their Name!

Looking for activities all about the family then check out our Favourite Family Themed Activities and Crafts for Preschoolers.
- Create some Rock Faces to talk about how people are feeling
- Make your own All About Me Writing Excercise for Preschoolers
- Set up a Name Sensory Bin for your little ones to explore