Number Prints
Over the summer we are getting J ready to start full time school in the Autumn through playful activities and fun. Today he has an induction afternoon meeting his class teachers and getting to know his classrooms, whilst the school are doing their part getting to know him and us through meetings and letters were helping him to prepare through playful fun.
This week the focus of Getting Ready for K through Play is all about Mathematics skills. We love numbers and for us it forms part of our life. We talk about numbers all the time and materials for simple maths fun are abound in our house. This was a fun cool down summer fun that J and T (2 and a half) were both able to access from different levels and J was working with her helping her develop me maths skills as well.
We have a set of large foam numbers which have in the garden for play – they form part of a hop-scotch mat and last summer we used them to make number lines and hunts in the garden.
Filling up the water table we put the numbers in to float around – but as we are very into printing at the moment J started to soak the numbers and then move them over to the deck and print the onto the deck. – Seeing this we started off doing the numbers in order 1 to 10, then back again from 10 – 1. For J this was a warm up activity for J – but great for him helping T by teaching her number recognition.
With J his point is recognising numbers higher than 49 (why 49 – we walk past houses every day to preschool that go up to 49!) so we started to print double digit numbers onto the deck with the water – calling out the ten’s and then the unit working on what numbers they were.
This activity is great as you can work on from the point that your child is at – it works for number recognition but you can extend it to work on number placement, making number lines. With a little craft foam you could also create some mathematical signs – addition, subtraction and equalls and work on some basic number bounds up to 10.
This post is week 4 of the Get Ready for K through Play brought to you by Mom to 2 Posh Lil Divas, Mess for Less, Coffee Cups and Crayons, Mama Smiles, Toddler Approved and myself. Each week we bring you ideas for getting ready for school in the fall with your preschooler soon to be kindergarten focusing on a specific skill.
So far Language, Social Skills, Independence and this week Maths have been covered – check back next week for another skills. The weeks posts are linked below pop along and see the other sites are up to sharing ideas and fun for some Maths Skills.
Fostering Kindergarten Math Skill – Mom to 2 posh lil divas
Pool Time Math Fun – Toddler Approved