Making Your Mark!
For the last 4 years, I have heard over and over again how my eldest struggles with writing, particularly handwriting and that struggle seemed very real to us and his teachers.
Yes, a boy struggling with handwriting – not really a surprise but it doesn’t have to be that way. We’ve been working with his teachers over those years on hands-on activities to help him make his mark count.
Suddenly with grasping a concept his storytelling has exploded, creative writing, non-fiction books are popping up everywhere in our house that he has produced himself.
Some of these ideas the teachers have come up with, some I have asked friends and family for ideas and others I sourced from my blogging friends. Of course, I couldn’t not share the ideas that have helped him grow in confidence, want to write and start to instill a love of creative writing in him. My new book, Make Your Mark, brings you 30+ projects that will help your child develop a love of writing, creative storytelling, self-confidence, and compassion. Through play, art, language, and writing this book will help your child discover themselves, and make their mark on the world.
This ebook is jam packed full of ideas for children and you to explore together – from helping to write, develop imaginative stories and make their mark on the world in their own way.
What do you get with Make Your Mark Ebook
Activities for getting started with the basics
We all know that strong foundations build great houses – but the same works for children. They need the foundations, the basics to move forward and in Make your Mark we have activities for setting those foundations for making their marks from using fingers through to pens and pencils.
Development of Fine Motor Skills
Writing just doesn’t happen the hand needs to have the strength to do it – think about your own school days and how much you could write at the end as you were writing by hand every day. Now think about today – if you are like me you probably spend the majority of time writing on a computer it’s a different sort of writing and when I do have to write by hand my muscles just don’t work like they used to.
In this book, we have ideas for your kids to strength those muscles and improve dexterity with activities like finger gym, easel activities and first mark making activities with sticks, play dough, and shaving foam.
Writing Trays
I have loved producing the few writing trays that I have used with J and T over the years and within the book we have inspiration for writing trays that you can use with your children. You can use them early on to help them develop the strokes that form letters or much later when you work on spellings and reading.
Imagination and Storytelling
Creative, play activities for imagination and storytelling. Not work but will build on developing these with your children. Your child will develop their language, vocabulary, and fluency through story mats, small worlds, comics, journals, role play, outdoor adventures, and art.
Self Confidence and Empathy
Contained within the book are activities that support your child in understanding themself and others, through interviews, self-portraits, collaborative art, and collaborative projects.
Make a Mark in their community and on the environment
We help your child see that everyone can make their mark on their community and the environment. We show you how to extend the idea of our self out into the world, and consider how we are part of a community with activities that inspire your child to make their mark through environmental citizenship and acts of kindness.
Make your Mark the Important Stuff
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You can buy the ebook wherever you are in the world. You pay via PayPal, which will take care of any currency conversion for you. The ebook costs US$ 14.99.
*You can buy the ebook now, on any device, and then download it when you are ready. Depending on the apps you have installed and your operating system, you might be able to download the ebook on your mobile device. However if you have any doubts or problems, I recommend you use a computer to download the book and then share it to your mobile devices. You will be sent download instructions when your purchase the ebook.
The Make Your Mark ebook is published and sold by Cathy James at Please direct any customer service queries regarding purchases of the ebook to or refer to the NurtureStore FAQ.
The Make Your Mark ebook is protected under copyright © 2016. All rights reserved.