How to Make an Easy No Sew Tutu for Kids
Kids love dressing up but dress-up clothes can cost a lot of money.
One of the things you can do is make your own and it’s surprisingly simple.
This No Sew Tutu was one of the first that we made and it was so easy to do you just need some Tulle, Elastic and ribbons.
So here you go our easy no-sew tutu to make for your kids.

No-SEW Tutu
The tutorial is ever so simple, and easy to do.

All of the materials were available on Amazon and although they did take a little while to arrive due to shipping once here it took no time at all.

Because this tutorial works for kids and adults if you are looking for a tutu for a Halloween Costume or fancy dress then it’s easy to make for that as well.

All you need to do is measure around the waist and you can work out how big a tutu you need.

How to Make an Easy No-Sew Tutu for Kids
Equipment Needed
- Scissors
- Tape measure
Materials Needed
- Measure your child's waist.
- Subtract 3 and a 1/2 inches (8-9cm from this measurement). Lightly stitch or knot the elastic here.
- Measure from your child's waist to the length you wish for the tutu. Double this length and add 1 inch (2.5cm) this is the length of tulle you will need to cut.
- Cut multiple lengths of tulle. The skirt for our 2 year old in the pictures took 1 roll, and for the tallest took 2 (4 year old).
- With the ribbon cut lengths the 1/2inch (1.5cm) shorter to go between lengths of tulle on the skirt.
- Place your elastic around the back of a chair this makes it easier to add the tulle and ribbons.
- Fold the tulle or ribbon in half and place behind the elastic with the loop at the top.
- Bring the loop over the front and then pass the ends through the loop. This will secure the tulle or ribbon in place.
- Repeat around the elastic. For a fuller tutu you can add more tulle and ribbons in another later over the top.
- Once finished you may which to neaten up with a trim along the bottom for any loose ends or bits that drag.
- It's now ready for your child to wear and have fun

More Dress-Up Costumes You Can Make for and With your Kids

Why not make a scuba mask from a paper plate for some underwater fun.
Or how about a Tiara for a mermaid with our easy tutorial.