How to write a Father Christmas letter for Christmas Eve – Written by Father Christmas
We have a very special guest today here on Rainy Day Mum. A Christmas legend who really needs no introduction so here we go I’ll hand over to Santa Claus the very special Father Christmas. Who’s giving us an idea of how to help him this year by making your own personalised letters from Santa to leave out as a Christmas Eve tradition with kids.
How to write a Personalised Letter from Santa to your own Child
This year has been another difficult year and our kids have had it hard. How about making this Christmas a little extra magic with a homemade letter from Santa! This simple craft is easy to do and it is a great way of adding a little personal message from Santa to your child without spending a penny. We’ve got a simple tutorial to create the magical Christmas letter paper and then some fantastic ideas of what you can include. So here you go a guide to making and writing your own magical letter from Santa or Father Christmas for your kids.
Love this idea but don’t have the time then why not get a Letter from Santa with the NSPCC
How to Write Your Own Letter from Santa
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There is no right or wrong way to present a letter from “Father Christmas”. But I do have a few favourite styles and certainly like to use sparkly Christmas magic such as angel dust, fairy dust or even bog-standard glitter (the bio-degradable type of course) to make them look even more special.
Suggested Materials for Creating your Letter from Father Christmas to a Child
Paper type: I have used tea bag stained paper, posh parchment paper and blank aperture cards as well as other types of paper and cards.
How to Age your Paper with a Tea bag
- Soak a tea bag in warm water for a few minutes.
- Use the tea bag itself, a paintbrush or sponge to spread the stained water all over the page.
- Once dry, repeat on the other side of the paper.
I sometimes leave the edge straight, but sometimes like to tear along the edges to give it a rustic look.
I usually like to frame the pages with some of that previously mentioned sparkly magic.
Once it’s all dry, you are ready to write up your letter.
Using Posh Parchment:
You can simply write straight on to this paper with your favourite pen.
It’s nice to also frame this paper with some sparkly Christmas magic too!
Making your Own Aperture Greeting Cards:
There are many ways to decorate the outside of these cards: glitter pen patterns, glitter glue pictures or to simply let the child’s name speak for itself. Take a look at some of my examples.
Then simply write your letter inside the card.
Finishing off your Handmade Letter From Santa
The cards simply get popped into an envelope with the child’s name written on or glued with glitter.
For the letters written on paper, I think they look stunning when I roll them up, and tie them together with a special ribbon and add a simple, yet stunning name tag.
Just tear the tag shape from the same type of paper used for the letter. Again, you could add extra sparkle to frame the tag, but it’s not vital.
Handwriting your Letter from St Nick
I recommend handwriting these letters in your own “fancy” handwriting as it makes it look more authentic from Father Christmas. If however you don’t have the neatest penmanship or you really don’t want to give it a go then you could type your letter and print it!
However, if you do this don’t put the paper through the printer with glitter on! Print the letter after you have the tea bag stained and decorate afterwards.
How to deliver the letters?
We try to send out the letters out when the child is at home.
It magically gets delivered through the letterbox or to the doorstep. My magic knocks on the door or rings the doorbell to let the family know that there has been a delivery.
I NEVER ask the postal service to deliver as my special mail deserves to be delivered on Christmas Eve as dusk begins to set in and the excitement of the night begins to grow. Instead, a fun way is to give your letters to a neighbour and they can knock or ring the doorbell and then run once the letter is through the letterbox.
Another special way is to deliver the letters to hide in the Christmas Tree for them to discover on Christmas Eve. Or even include them in the Christmas Eve Box that you may choose to leave out for your kids.
Top Tips to Include in a Letter from Father Christmas?
Planning is key. Always make notes before you even begin your letter.
Write down what you know about your child that you can include this year which makes it stand out from previous years letters especially as your kids get older.
- Mention how proud or pleased “I” am with them this year and write about some of their achievements from the year. This can be anything that’s special and impressive for them to have achieved or be developing.
For example: Moving up a dance class, doing well at school, improved reading, learning how to use patience or share.
- Mention a gift that they requested on their list that they had sent Santa, or mentioned to Father Christmas in person.
For example: “I received your list and have noticed that you would really like a toy car. What an exciting choice!”
- Suggest they might get the mentioned gift if they improve or continue to do a skill or behaviour that you may have told “me”.
For example: “If you keep practising how to make your bed every morning, I’ll ask Mrs Claus to find the very best toy car for you.”
- Always include the magic! It might be referring to the North Pole, Mrs Claus, elves, the reindeer… it doesn’t matter, but it’s just a wonderful reminder about how incredible this time of year is!
- Sign off with what that child calls me: Father Christmas, Santa, Mr Claus, Papa Noel, Saint Nick.
ALWAYS then write a draft version (and a redraft if needed) to make sure you get the wording right before you even think about writing the final letter.
So now you know my secrets you too can create enchanted, personal and unique Christmas Eve letters to your own children and help spread the magic this Christmas.
More Christmas Eve Traditions to Start with Kids this Year
Christmas Eve Cookies to leave out for Santa that you and the kids can make together.
Simple traditions that you and your children can start this Christmas Eve that give back to others and you and they can spend quality time together.
One of our favourite traditions to leave a Christmas Eve Box for the kids. Discover our simple ideas of what to include in your Christmas Eve Box for Kids.