Home > Book Based Activities > Grinch Heart – Peeps Candy Science Experiment

Grinch Heart – Peeps Candy Science Experiment

The Grinch in the book How the Grinch Stole Christmas had a heart problem. His heart was two sizes too small. This STEM candy experiment explores what liquids help the Grinch’s heart grow. It also looks at how each of the liquids affects a Peep heart.

Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas

How the Grinch Stole Christmas

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How the Grinch Stole Christmas is one of the Classic Dr Seuss books. As with many of the Dr Seuss books, there are fun characters and rhymes as well as plenty of silly made-up words.

Getting Ready for the Candy Experiment

Getting the Recording Sheets

You will need to download the Grinch Heart Peeps Candy recording sheets. You will need to print out one for each of your children.

Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Gathering the Supplies

You will need the following supplies to conduct the candy experiment

Peep candy hearts

Olive Oil

Lemon Juice

Vinegar (We used apple cider vinegar.)

Popsicle Sticks

Conducting the Candy Experiment

While the recording sheet focuses on how each of the hearts looks during the experiment, you will want to discuss some these other observations with them.

Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Here is what you will want them to discuss before and after the hearts have spent time in the liquids:

  • What does each heart feel like?
  • How does each heart smell?
  • Do they make a sound when you touch them?
  • How does each heart change the look of the liquid it is in?

You could write down their observations on chart

Place the Hearts in the Liquids

Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas

You will want each of the hearts to stay in its liquid for about 24 hours. Your children will start to notice changes after only a few hours, but it will take awhile to see all the changes. You can totally have them check on the hearts during the soaking time.

Observing the Changes

You may want to give your children hand lens to explore how each heart has changed visually. They may want to see if each heart looks different out of its liquid. When they have finished their observations, they can draw and write about each heart on their recording sheet.

Once each heart is out of the liquid, it will also be a good time to touch and smell each of the hearts. If your children don’t want to touch the hearts with their hands, they can use popsicle sticks.

Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas

Discuss the Results

Please take time to talk with your children about how each of the Grinch’s hearts changed. They may also have insights about how each of these changed hearts might have affected the Grinch.

Our Results

We found the heart in the olive oil grew a little and was hardened.

The heart soaked in the lemon juice grew a little and was super mushy.

The vinegar soaked heard grew and softened some.

More Science Resources for Kids

Candy Chemistry

Candy is such a great resource for easy science experiments and perfect for some edible chemistry. This Candy Chemistry set from Steve Spangler Science is great for learning about states of mater, crystalisation and works on some basic science skills like measurements and observations

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Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Fun science experiment to make the Grinch's heart change ideal for simple investigation into chemical reactions based on How the Grinch Stole Christmas
Deirdre from JDaniel 4's Mom

Deirdre is the founder and author of JDaniel 4’s Mom. A teacher from South Carolina. She has 1 son JDaniel 4th. He is ten years old.

A specialist in Technology Integration as well as Early Elementary teaching she can be found sharing hands-on learning over on her blog.

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