Dinosaur Songs and Rhymes for Kids
One of our favourite themes for fun activities to do with our toddler and preschooler at home is all about dinosaurs. My kids loved reading about the dinosaurs, playing dinosaur games and making dinosaur crafts. Another favourite of ours was to find some dinosaur songs to sing together. Unlike our classic nursery rhymes which I had been singing since I was little, there weren’t any dinosaur songs that I knew so we turned to YouTube and the Internet to find some rhymes and songs about dinosaurs to sing along with the kids. So if you are like me and you like to sing with your children then here are our favourite songs to sing along to with your kids all about dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Songs for Kids
If you have followed any of our Songs and Rhymes posts you know that I am a fan of adding in a little bit of learning and moving with the songs so with these fun dinosaur rhymes and songs you can expect lots to include counting or moving around. Whether you are at home and just want some fun hands-on gross motor movements or in the classroom planning circle time for your pre-k class for a dinosaur topic. These fantastic songs with all the words and video are great to use. Don’t forget to bookmark or save them so that you can find them again.
Why not mix up these songs with some reading with our favourite dinosaur books for toddlers and preschoolers as well as try some of our fun dinosaur activities and crafts perfect to do at home with your little ones, especially on rainy days?
10 Little Dinosaurs
Our first song is a fun one to count along to. It’s fairly easy to learn and is sung to the tune of Ten Little Indian Braves. We loved this as we would use any of our favourite dinosaurs names and my two learnt this fairly quickly and soon we wouldn’t have to have the music on in the background we could just sing this along.
The lyrics are easy to remember just put your favourite dinosaur in front and you can get the kids to make an action to be like that dinosaur.
Dinosaur Name!
One little, two little, three little dinosaurs.
Four little, five little, six little dinosaurs.
Seven little, eight little, nine little dinosaurs.
Ten little dinosaur babies.
Here’s a few dinosaurs you could use T-rex, triceratops, stegosaurus, or velociraptor, don’t forget to do the finger movements as you could along with the little dinosaurs.
If you aren’t sure on the tune or would like to watch some cute little dinosaurs check out the YouTube video over on our Nursery Rhymes and Songs Playlist below and subscribe to our Rainy Day Mum Channel for more Pre-watched recommendations and our videos.
The Dinosaur Hockey Cockey
When looking for songs and rhymes I came across a version of the Dinosaur Hockey Cockey along with other dinosaur songs on Kidsparkz it wasn’t quite how we sang the original so we did a little bit of adjusting and came up with this version.
You put your left claw in,
your left claw out!
In out, in out, scratch it all about!
You do the Dino-Cockey and you swish your tail around!
And that's what it's all about!
You can then follow this with your right claw in, stomping your left and right foot in then your tail and then the whole dinosaur in then repeat the chorus, You do the Dino-Cockey and you swish your tail around! And that’s what it’s all about!
I’m a mean Old Dinosaur
My daughter’s favourite action rhyme when she was a toddler was I’m a little teapot. She would stand up and sing it wherever we were complete with actions. So when I came across I’m a Mean Old Dinosaur with actions on KidsSoup I knew it would be a favourite. We spent a lot of time in our kitchen being dinosaurs and singing along to this and changing the words for our own version.
I'm a mean old dinosaur (make a mean face)
BIG and Tall (wide arms and then tall)
Here's my tail (point to your tail)
And here's my claws (make claws with your hands).
When I get all hungry (rub stomach)
Hear me ROAR (roar loudly with dinosaur claws)
Run away and hide (put hands in front of face whilst racing on the spot)
And shut the door (clap loudly)
Yes it’s not the original version we found but the clap used to make my kids giggle and they preferred it to the original so we stuck with it.
Dinosaur Dinosaur
A favourite song from rhyme time at the library we took the kids to was Teddy Bear Teddy Bear so this Dinosaur Song which is sung to the same rhyme is great.
Dinosaur, dinosaur, turn around!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, stomp the ground!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, make some claws!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, ROARS!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, big and tall!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, scary and small!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, shake the ground!
Dinosaur, dinosaur, sit back down!
Some of the actions that the kids would come up with are scary and small and show some claw.

More Rhymes and Songs for Toddlers and Preschoolers

- Farm Animal Nursery Rhymes and Songs
- Counting Rhymes and Songs
- Action Rhymes for Toddlers to Move Around to