Exploring Outdoors – Frog hunting
We’re back out in our garden this week for our Exploring outdoors post and venturing beyond our safety gate to the wilderness that is our back-garden. This week it’s the wildlife pond and J’s favourite creature of all time (his obsession really) FROGS!!!!!
His obsession started shortly after T was born last March when to keep him entertained whilst I fed T Rainy Day Dad and various grandparents would take him to look at the frogs, frog spawn, tadpoles and froglets in the pond. His birthday cake and cupcakes were Frog themed last year as well.
Well this week we’ve been back to the pond as whilst gardening we spotted that the frogs were back. So last weekend in the glorious sunshine we headed out to hunt for frogs (it’s been repeated at least 3 or 4 times a day since) and looked for frogs.

We only ever go past the gate supervised as although the pond is very shallow it is still dangerous especially for toddlers and babies, but the joy and exploration of nature that it brings each year is worth the -sometimes- hassle of yet again go looking for frogs. The pond is full of different native plants which we let form a cover but each year cut down and thin out. It is also shaded to provide protection from the sun which can get quite intense in the summer as the area faces south. We’ve planted native plants and bog plants around it and at the moment have native spring plants popping up their heads behind it making it a lovely area to go and visit.

We take the opportunity to talk about how many frogs in the pond – one of the great things about frogs early in the spring is that they come in pairs so we can start to introduce counting in 2’s.
Our frogs are a little behind the ones on the field near us which have already laid Spawn but I can’t wait until they do as then we can start to investigate the life cycle of the frogs properly and not just from books.
This was an unbirthday present for J from Nannie and Grandad Frog (yes he’s actually nick named his grandparents Nannie and Grandad Frog!) and is a great story of a frog that hits his head and forgets who he is and tries to be lots of different animals on the way to finding out who he is.
We really like the sound effects in the book and the pop up’s as well.
What a great outdoor adventure, and such a blessing to have it right at home! I’m going to have to keep an eye out for the book.
We have a pond too in our backyard and it’s one of our favorite spots. Last year we brought some tadpoles to preschool for some observation time, they class loved it!
Ok, Oh my goodness.These pietcrus are amazing!!!! I LOVE the one of Ashley throwing her dress . And the heels are super cute! Wow, I really love these pietcrus! Great job Sharaya! And great job Ashley and Eli for being so dang pretty!
So much fun!
How fun! I love your photos! By the way, my cousin’s little boys calls our Grandma “Grandma Chicken” because she raises chickens. I love to hear those sweet little nick names they give them. I’m sure he’s bestowing quite an honor on Grandad by naming him after his obsession 🙂
I know a little boy that would love to help supervise the frog hunt! What fun!