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Dragons Love Tacos Counting Game For Toddlers and Preschoolers

Tacos are yummy. Dragons are fun. Combine the two and you get the imaginative book Dragons Love Tacos. The book is a staple in our home reading library and one that the kids inevitably drag out after our weekly Taco Tuesday dinners. So, what better way to promote learning than to plug into a favorite book using this Taco Math Game for Toddlers and Preschoolers.

Simple number game for toddlers and preschoolers inspired by the fantastic children's storybook Dragons Love Tacos. Working on 1 to 1 correspondence feed the dragon the correct number of Tacos. Includes free printable.

Dragons Love Tacos Counting Game Learning Objectives

Using literature to promote and introduce learning activities can help to give the intended lesson objectives more relevance to children.

This activity teaches young learners

  • one-to-one correspondence.

That is, to assign one number per item being counted. After reading the book Dragons Love Tacos, practice counting skills using this free printable.

Dragons Love Tacos

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Dragons Love Tacos by Adam Rubin is a fantastic fun and silly book ideal for reading with toddlers and preschoolers. In this book we discover what happens when dragons who love tacos also love HOT HOT HOT salsa and that causes dragons to get some attitude. You and your children will have a blast reading this aloud together.

Why not check out some of our other Dragon Themed Books for more reading ideas.

Materials Needed for your Dragon Loves Tacos Number Game

Feed the Dragon Printable

Printer – in the Rainy Day House we love our HP Envy with Insta Ink

Laminator (optional)

Dice (optional for multiplication modification)

Find more Counting Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers in our complete collection

Preparation for your Dragon Loves Tacos Math Game

  1. Print out the Feed the Dragon number activity pages. (Printing in “high quality” is suggested to allow the colors to print vibrant and true.)
  2. Laminate the printable to ensure durability, if desired. This is recommended if the activity is going to be used more than once or in a classroom with multiple children.
  3. Cut out the taco number cards and taco counter pieces. You can store pieces in an envelope contained in a folder along with the main printable mat to keep everything together.
  4. Create an invitation to learn by placing the Feed the Dragon game on a tray at a learning station.

Playing this Taco Math Game

Simple math games for toddlers and preschoolers inspired by the fantastic children's storybook Dragons Love Tacos. Working on 1 to 1 correspondence feed the dragon the correct number of Tacos. Includes free printable.

Encourage children to pick a taco number card and place the corresponding number of tacos on the dragon’s plate. After they’re done, they can count out each taco to check for accuracy.

Simple math games for toddlers and preschoolers inspired by the fantastic children's storybook Dragons Love Tacos. Working on 1 to 1 correspondence feed the dragon the correct number of Tacos. Includes free printable.

Extension Possibilities for your Dragon Loves Taco Numbers Game

This 1 to 1 correspondence activity is ideal for toddlers and early preschoolers to work on counting out the correct number of taco’s to represent the number on the taco card. But you may want to switch it up a little once they have the hang of counting out – how about trying some of these extension activity suggestions –

  • Pick two cards and add the number of tacos needed together
  • Use a dice to create x number of arrays of tacos so that children can start to understand the basis of multiplication
  • Use a 10 sided dice to work on number bonds answering the question – if the dragon has eatten x number of tacos already (the number on the dice) then how many more tacos will he need to eat to make 10


More Dragons Love Tacos Inspired Activities from the Virtual Book Club for Kids

Each week here on Rainy Day Mum we share a featured book based activities for toddlers and preschoolers as part of the Virtual Book Club for Kids. This book is also featured by the co-hosts on their own sites.

Here’s this week’s book inspired activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers.

Smoking Dragon Science– Teach Beside Me

Printable Dragon Game for Kids – Mama Smiles

Paper Dragon Puppet Craft – Artsy Momma

Dragon Sensory Writing Tray – Inspiration Laboratories

Dragon Themed Positional Word Game – The Educators’ Spin On It

I haven’t found any dragon counters but this set of Dinosaur Counters from Learning Resources is perfect for working on counting plus it can be used for some many more activities as you progress through the different math skills. With 72 in the box, there are enough to work on number bonds as well as arrays for multiplication so a set like this will be useful for many years to come.

I really like these counting rods set as it allows you to work from the bottom up with 1 to 1 correspondence but as it contains all 4 common mathematical operators you can use the same set to work on more complex problems. Like the counters this a resource that will continue to be used as your child progresses through school.

Puzzles are great for working on fine motor skills with toddlers and preschoolers and this one from Melissa and Doug Toys is a Wooden Number Puzzle matching the objects to the correct number – initially it will take some input from you to recognise the numbers and help with counting out the objects but as the set goes up to 20 it will be useful for a couple of years and makes a useful. activity to reinforce number recognition and 1 to 1 correspondence.


Simple math games for toddlers and preschoolers inspired by the fantastic children's storybook Dragons Love Tacos. Working on 1 to 1 correspondence feed the dragon the correct number of Tacos. Includes free printable.


Simple math games for toddlers and preschoolers inspired by the fantastic children's storybook Dragons Love Tacos. Working on 1 to 1 correspondence feed the dragon the correct number of Tacos. Includes free printable.
Andie Jaye

Andie Jaye is a former preschool teacher turned stay-at-home mom of 3 kiddos. Her blog, Crayon Freckles, focuses on creative learning and play ideas, as well as parenting topics.

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