DIY Sensory Letters – Cursive Alphabet
At the beginning of the school year, a letter came home with the kids about a new school handwriting policy where from the start of school aged 4 the kids would be learning cursive handwriting. First unjoined cursive in the reception (kindergarten year) and then by the time they progress to the Juniors in year 3 with joined up cursive handwriting. Now J my eldest has struggled with handwriting – he doesn’t like to particularly write, can talk for England but stick a pencil in his hand and his mind goes blank and T at age 4 is just starting to write so to help support their muscle memory for the cursive letters at school I have put together some sensory cursive letters which work on tactile memory and are a great starting point for learning letter formationsso I thought that I would share it with you as well.
After swimming, I sat down with my eldest and asked him to write his name in cursive as I know he had been doing this in school. I watched as he formed every letter and then added the tails and joins to the letters to make them joined up – yep he hasn’t got it so this was definitely needed for us.
Related Article – Chocolate Cursive Letters
Materials Needed
- Glitter Card
- Download your alphabet sheets below
- Pencil
- Cardstock
- Scissors
- Double Sided Sticky Tape
Check out these other fun ways to learn the alphabet with our Fun and Simple Alphabet Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers.
FREE Printable Letter Templates for Making Sensory Letters
Click on the links below to download a cursive or print set of letters to make these sensory letters for your child to use.
Create your own Sensory Letters
Download and print out the cursive alphabet sheet – I’ve been doing the letters a few at a time as my youngest learns then and using them with my eldest as well to go over the new letter forms with him and to help him retrain his
Cut out the letters.
On the back of the glitter card place the letters the wrong way round so that they reversed which when they are cut out of the glitter card they will be the right way round.
Draw around the letters try and fit as many onto the glitter card as you can.
Cut out each letter from the glitter card.
Using double sided sticky tape – I used the extra strength one – fix to a piece of card stock.
I then sat down with my kids and we used our fingers to trace the letters to familiarise ourselves with the patterns. You may want to do like we have and add in the direction with arrows which will help your child to memories which way their finger should go.
The nice things about the cards are that they can now also be used with a salt tray or even on a chalk board to work on the letters as well.