How to Make Daisy Crowns
Summertime is great for slowing down and returning to do some of the classic crafts that you enjoyed as a child. Daisy crowns are just one of those creative activities. Free to do and relaxing this simple summer craft is great for creating cherished memories with your kids as you weave the flowers into a simple crown that you all can wear. So follow our simple step by step guide on How to Make Daisy Crowns with your Kids this summer.

How to Make a Daisy Crown with Kids
There is something really magically about wearing flowers in your hair and daisies are abundant and free to pick from your lawn or in the park. So get your littles collecting them and then sit and enjoy the sun shine and make some beautiful crowns together.

Tips for Picking Daisies with Kids
Have you ever picked daisies with a 3 year old – they pick the flower no stem just the flower. But you will need the stems to make the crown with real flowers. So spend some time in the grass with them showing them how to pick longer stemmed daises and start to collect a bunch.

You will likely need a lot more than you think!
Materials Needed for Making a Daisy Flower Crown
Daisies lots of them, best picked fresh

How to Make a Simple Daisy Crown for FREE
1. Take a daisy and about 1/3 of the way down a stem use your nail to split the stem in half.

2. Now take another daisy and thread it through the slit you have made in the stem of the first daisy.

3. Make a slit in the stem of this daisy.
4. Repeat the threading of the daisies to form a chain.

5. As the chain grows longer keep trying it on your heads.
6. When the daisy chain reaches the desired length then join the last stem to the first by threading it through.

Making a Stronger Daisy Crown
If you would like to make a stronger crown then you can add some floral wire or tape to strengthen the stems and create a stronger structure.

More Simple Summer Crafts and Activities for Kids
- Make your own Bubble Mixture with this DIY recipe using kitchen ingredients
- Save some tin cans and create some beautiful lanterns that you can use with this simple summer craft
- Keep cool with some homemade juice ice lollies so simple to make and your kids will love them!