Key Workers’ Transport Picture Domino Game for Kids
The Key Workers, Community Helpers and other People that Help Us are essential workers.
Nothing has shown this more than at this time around the world. Without them from the hospital workers, to delivery drivers and trash collectors we wouldn’t be able to function.
So to help you talk with your children about their roles. The important jobs they do. We’ve put together a simple picture domino game to print and play and get you talking about what they do.
So here you go our Key Workers’ Transport Domino Game for preschoolers and toddlers to play with you at home.

Community Helpers Printable Game for Preschoolers
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Using this Community Helpers domino game in conjunction with the Trashy Town book helps young learners to expand on literary experiences and make further connections to what they’ve seen in the book as well as in real life.
Additionally, this activity works on the important skill of matching like images in a fun way and taking turns.
About Trashy Town for Young Readers
Trashy Town, by Andrea Zimmerman, gives readers a lighthearted view of a day of trash collecting by Mr. Gilly, the local sanitation worker.
He picks up trash from the school, the park, the fire station and more.
His goal is to fill up his truck as much as he can. But when his day is done, there’s one more thing that needs to be cleaned…. Mr. Gilly himself!
Why not do some firefighter crafts and activities for preschoolers once you finish playing this game.
Print and Play Key workers Domino Game

Dominoes are a fun and easy game to play with your toddlers and preschoolers especially when you swap the traditional dots for pictures.
Matching the cars and trucks in this version you can spend time talking about the roles that the key workers do within the community and how they help us.
Community Helpers Domino Printable
Printer – In the Rainy Day Mum house we use an Epson EcoTank (read why here!)
Laminator (optional)
Dice (optional for multiplication modification)
INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE Key Workers Printable Dominoes
- Print out the Community Helpers Domino. (It is suggested to print in “high quality” to allow the colors to print vibrant.)
- Print on cardstock or laminate domino cards to ensure durability, if desired. This is recommended if the activity is going to be used more than once or in a classroom with multiple children. You may wish to print out more than one set of cards.
- Cut out the community helper domino pieces. You can store pieces in a plastic zip bag to keep everything together.
- Set up an invitation to learn at a learning station by placing the Community Helpers Domino activity on the table. You may want to stage a few sample pieces that are connected to their match.

Each child is given 5 Community Helper domino pieces.
A random piece is drawn and placed in the middle as the starter.
Children will then take turns placing their pieces next to an appropriate match.

If they don’t have a playable piece, they draw from the extra stack of pieces.
Continue playing until the first player runs out of tiles.

Loved playing this FREE Printable Game with your Preschoolers, then why not print and download some of our other Free Printable Games to play with your kids.
Community Helper Activities on Rainy Day Mum

- Free Printable Guess Who Game themed on Emergency Services
- Roll and Cover Fire and Police
- Beginning Letter Sounds Community Helpers
- Emergency Services Clip and Count Cards
Delivery Truck: Milk Cap Phonics from Crayon and Freckles
Community Helpers Number Game from Inspiration Laboratories
Community Helpers Preschool Activities from Mama Smiles
Community Helpers Beginning Letter Sounds Activity
Garbage Truck Videos for Kids from Crayon and Freckles
Garbage Truck Preschool Activities from Crayon and Freckles