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Child created game – Where’s your mummy

Where's my mummy matching card gameIn yesterday’s 30 days to hands on play post about stickers I let on that J had created his own game – this is the first time he has done anything like this and it’s such a proud mummy moment. He noticed when we were sorting out the stickers for the farm picture that we made that there were 2 different sizes of animal stickers – a mummy and a baby animal. Using that he said we could find the mummy and thinking on my feet we cut up some card and had fun sticking the animals on and then we played Where’s my mummy with J and T.

What you need to make the where’s my mummy game

Animal pictures of a mummy animal and a baby – we used foam stickers
If you are using pictures you will need some glue
Pen to write the animal names on them.

How we made the where’s my mummy farm animal matching game

peeling sticker backs helps fine motor development
J practiced his fine motor skills peeling off the back of stickers

I started by cutting a couple of pieces of card into small sections (it was very spur of the moment so some of the cards aren’t the same size as others). J and I then peeled off the backs of the stickers – he did really well peeling off a few of the stickers but then found it a bit too much of a challenge and handed me each one after telling me what the animal was and the noise it made with “Mummy take off back please”.

Toddler sticking
J stuck each animal to a separate card

Onto each card that I had cut J stuck a single animal. He was very proud of his animal cards and asked me to write the  animals names on the cards – he then “wrote” over a few with his crayons as he wanted to be like Mummy.

Matching mummy and baby animal card game
Our matching card game

We moved away from the table and set up by cards on the floor. T sat down with us as well. With J I asked him to find the mummy horse, sheep, dog etc…. and then to find the baby animal, foal, lamb, puppy etc…. *you will notice on some of the cards I have the same name for the baby animal as the adult as we haven’t got around to the name for those specific baby animal names yet*. With T we played it “Mummy has a horse can you find a horse” and I would show her the horse and she would then try to hunt for the horse among the cards.

Matching pairs gameI feel very proud as J created the game himself – we haven’t done any matching games with him as he hasn’t had the patience before to play them but creating his own game he’s very eager to play.


  1. shirley bao says:

    Hi, I love your foam stickers of where is your mummy?
    Would you tell me where you buy this foam tickers for big and small animals

    Please! I am a teacher for 2-3 year old, they will love this material.

    thanks so much

  2. Andrea @ No Doubt Learning says:

    I like how he wrote over a few of them. Great beginning writing skill 🙂 I bet those cards will be put to good use!

  3. What a smart little guy! I never thought about doing a memory game where the cards are all face up and you search for matches among them. What an easy way to adapt this for the wee little ones! Thanks for sharing! Loved the stickers too! 🙂

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