Books about Farms for Toddlers and Preschoolers
Last week we missed a week of books as I knew that we wouldn’t have time to dedicate to read 5 books a day – instead we somehow seemed to have read more judging by the number of books that were spread around the house by the end of each day.
This weeks books are Farm based we’re having regularly visits to the farm (this weeks Exploring outdoors post will be a return to the farm post) and it’s full of baby animals which J and T love.
The first book is Old MacDonald Had a Farm – we have Share a Story version as part of a pack of books which I brought to extend our collection of books. We love this story and have great fun making the noises of all of the animals as we go through the book. J will sit with T and sing her the story using the pictures in the book as inspiration for the song. We’re also getting active with the book and moving like the animals – I can tell you now that I do a mean duck waddle.
What the ladybird heard is our next book – although we featured this book in our ladybird book collection it’s great to revisit it again from the Farm angle. Including all of the different farm animals that we regularly see at our visits it has great rhymes and rhythms to the words that J will read it to us (I know he’s only repeating it back as we’ve read it so many times – but as he does this I run my finger along the words so that he can see that words on the page connect with words that are spoken).
Baby animals fascinate T – I think because they aren’t quite as huge compared to her – so especially for her a book about baby animals and Ducklings which has noise, touch and feel to entice the senses. Our new word this week is book and for books that we read regular she babble through them – we catch the occasional word that we understand and from what we do understand it would appear that she’s starting to retell the stories to us like J does.
Although I think it’s important to read fiction books because of the wide range of language used in them I do try to include some non-fiction books so that J can get used to a different style of literature. Because of this I have added some recently to our book collections and this includes life cycle books. This weeks Egg to Chicken fits in beautifully as one of J’s favourite animals at the farm are the chickens/roosters and new chicks.
The last book this week is for T as well (like I said she has really got into her books these last few weeks) Busy Farm is a lift the flap book following the farmer through his day – although there are words we spend a lot of the time being told “Look What’s that” and pointing to the different objects. She’s starting to say some of the animal names and their noises as well so it’s not always Look what’s that sometimes we get told Look Goat or Look Duck.
Lovely books for farm theme! Thanks for joining WMCIR!
Spring is a great time to visit farms and read books about farms,isn’t it? What Ladybird Said Next is a favorite of my 5 year old. Thanks for linking up to Book Sharing Monday.