Home > Book Based Activities > Paper Plate Monkey For Toddlers and Preschoolers to Make

Paper Plate Monkey For Toddlers and Preschoolers to Make

This months Virtual Book Club for Kids has the featured author Paul Galdone and I’ve loved searching for his books (unfortunately not an author in our library so it’s been on Amazon), with many of them favourite fairy tales and folk tales we chose a book this time that wasn’t one that we are familiar with and brought The Monkey and the Crocodile by Paul Galdone and with T (almost 3) we have been crafting to bring the book alive.

After party season has finished we’re left with a huge amount of paper plates so we’ve been using them in our crafting – last time we created a Paper Plate Lion and this time we’ve got another animal to add to our jungle a Paper Plate Monkey.

Preschool Paper Plate Craft - make a monkey

Materials needed for a Paper Plate Monkey

Paper Plate
Brown Paper (2 different shades is good)
Pink Paper
2 different sized bowls to draw around
Goggley Eyes
Black Marker

Materials for a Paper Plate Monkey

Making a Paper Plate Monkey

Using the larger of your two bowls draw around on the brown paper and then on the pink paper draw around the smaller bowl. Cut these out and glue the pink circle onto the brown and cut in half – these will form the monkey’s ears.

Making a Paper Plate Monkey

Tear up the two different colours of brown paper into smallish squares and rectangles – don’t worry if they are different sizes and shapes as this will only add to the effect.

Paper Plate Monkey Preschool Craft

Cover the paper plate with glue and then stick on the brown paper T had to add more clue on top of the paper she had stuck down to get a good coverage of the brown paper – you could arrange the paper so that the bottom of the face had the lighter colour of brown or that the centre of the face was lighter – however T’s at an age were we just cover it very randomly which works as well.

Easy Preschool Craft a Paper Plate Monkey

Once it’s dry we added the two ears, goggley eyes, then drew a rough nose on a piece of pink paper which T cut out and stuck on the paper plate. Adding a smile we left to dry and now we have a fun Monkey to join our lion in the jungle.

Preschool Paper Plate Craft a monkey face

 Virtual Book Club for Kids

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This months featured author is Paul Galdone – if you are a blogger and have written a post bringing the book alive through crafts, activities or learning exercises then please come and link up below. If you are a parent and would like to join in we would love to see what you have been up to so come and join us on our Facebook page.

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