Home > Crafts for and with Kids > Animals Prints

Animals Prints

Before I start I must explain that this is completely J led – he announced when we were drawing that he wanted to make some animals prints! I had no idea what he meant so I just went with the flow.

I asked him “What do you need” and I was instructed “White Paint, Black Paper and my animals.” So I dutifully got the different things that he needed for his animal prints and then was instructed to put white in dish and let me do it.

Toddler using toy animal to make prints with
J using a tortoise to make foot prints with

What you need

White Paint
Small Dish
Black Paper
Selection of toy animals with different size/shaped feet

How the fun happens

As I said this was completely led by J so I left him to it – it was his idea and he decided what he needed all I did was provide the resources. What he did was take his animals and swish them around in the paint so that their feet were covered and then he stomped or crawled them over the page depending on what animal it was. As he was doing it he was making the noises of the animals or saying what the animals were doing.

Printing with toy animals to create foot prints
J printing with the lion cub to make foot prints - it jumped in the middle of the two sets

I provided J with a number of pieces of paper so he could produce as many as he wanted – when he got bored with the animals he asked for a paint brush as he wanted to create snow on the paper.

Animal print art work by a 2 year old
J's master piece of animal foot prints and slither marks from the snake

I was amazed by J and he constantly does it – he’s getting so creative and has his own ideas and thoughts on what he wants to make – sometimes now our activities are led by me other times I’m just a follower in his activities.


  1. Oooh what a great idea – especially since we are lacking snow and therefore cannot explore animal footprints out in the real world!

    Thanks for sharing on Kids Get Crafty!


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